Dimulakan pada Nov 03, 2023


RM435 / 0.87 %

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27 Penyumbang

Kempen Berakhir!


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Together, we realise the values of solidarity, social fraternity, human communication, and compassion among people. Let's help our Muslim brother and sister in Gaza.

Since the dawn of October 7, the Gaza Strip has been subjected to a devastating war by the Israeli occupation, which has killed hundreds of victims and thousands of wounded, mostly children, women, and the elderly. Indiscriminate shelling from Israeli warplanes and artillery continues to fall on civilian homes in the Gaza Strip without mercy or warning. Israel commits war, massacres, and genocide. This has led to the destruction of hundreds of densely populated houses, towers, mosques, schools, universities, banks, civil institutions, utilities, public services, ambulances, and infrastructure.

It has reduced spending rates on food, medicine, education, shelter, and clothing, in addition to deteriorating health, education, social, and environmental services. Israel’s occupation has exacerbated the difficult humanitarian reality in the Gaza Strip by halting electricity and water supplies, preventing the supply of fuel to the Gaza Strip’s only power plant, and threatening to bomb it.

The blockade of the Gaza Strip had led to economic collapse, livelihood degradation, high levels of poverty and unemployment, food insecurity among two-thirds of the Gaza Strip’s population, and dependence on external humanitarian assistance. The most urgent needs for those affected by the war on the Gaza Strip are:

1. Urgent cash relief for families of victims and totally demolished homes

2. Urgent cash relief for wounded and partially demolished homes

3. Food basket

4. Healthy drinking water

5. Health parcels, toiletries, and sanitizers

6. Bedding and blankets

7. House supplies

8. Health relief and medical supplies

9. Fuel for hospital and health service canters

Our people and loved ones everywhere in this world, we appeal to you and your living consciences to support the people of Gaza, who are subjected to the most horrendous forms of injustice, persecution, aggression, and racial discrimination, so that in these difficult times we can play our humanitarian role of urgent relief to our brothers who are affected by the occupation’s attacks and barbarities, and displaced families to provide them with the basic humanitarian supplies.

We call on you to stand with us and to be as we have entrusted you with the fraternal responsibility within us, having the lofty meaning of humanity, to support the affected families. This is because what is currently happening in the Gaza Strip at the humanitarian level requires urgent and rapid intervention to provide their most essential and urgent humanitarian needs.

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