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Buat carian Kempen
Dimulakan pada Nov 08, 2023
RM60 / 0.24 %
Telah terkumpul daripada sasaran sumbangan RM25,000
5 Penyumbang
44 Baki Hari
Let’s support this campaign to help our needy brothers and sisters, especially the disabled. In our project area, a number of disabled people are found. The problem of disabled and homeless Ugandans is acute due to the high rates of poverty in Uganda.
Let's donate through under this campaign to help thousands of needy families. To ensure that we provide support to the needy brothers and sisters in Uganda by providing them with food, shelter, and other basic needs.
This campaign aims to provide care, support, and protection to thousands of needy people by providing food security, wheelchairs to the disabled, education kits to the disabled, and many others. Our team will move door to door, trying to identify the disadvantageous people in Uganda by helping them with their basic needs.
We are seeking funding to cover the costs of building these houses. We believe that with your support, we can make a significant impact on the health and well-being of the people of Malaba, Uganda Africa, and the surrounding region.
The prophet said, "Whoever removes difficulties in people's lives in this world, Allah will remove his or her difficulties in the hereafter."
Jom #BuatBaik!
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