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The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) of Malaysia is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to helping Malaysians suffering from end stage kidney failure who lack access to or cannot afford dialysis treatments. Currently, NKF has more than 1,700 patients receiving subsidised dialysis treatments in 28 dialysis centres nationwide.
To lead in the promotion and enhancement of kidney health and in the management and treatment of kidney disease
To be proactive in providing education, research and advocacy on all matters relating to kidney health and responding through engagement, support and sustainable quality treatment for those suffering from kidney disease.
Hamba Allah
Ya Allah.swt Semoga engkau berikan Kesihatan kepada anak2 ku dan istrie ku dari wabak penyakit yg memudarat kan dan kau sebuh kan lah penyakit nya dan seluruh umat islam semoga kami termasuk dalam golongan orang2 yang sabar.. Aamiinnn
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